Pencari Ilmu...

Seorang manusia yang terus mencari ilmu untuk menghilangkan kebodohan dari dirinya dan orang lain

أهلاوسهلا يا إخوان

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
All praise be to Allah the god of the world, the king of universe, and the creator of everything, who has given us favors, health, opportunity, so we can come to this place, let’s say thank to Allah by working better then yesterday, and using our opportunity to do better thing.
May peace and bleasing to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us to the best religion, Islam.
Thank to Mr. Andy, the teacher of English course, who has given me opportunity to tell you about one word is unity of god.
unity of god is one word can make our save from mistreatment, islam whit out unity of god is broken and moslem whit out unity of god are blind.
Allah said in holly qur’an :
واعبدوا الله ولا تشركوا به شيئا
we can know that we must do everything only for Allah, no for except Allah. but most moslem now, especially in Indonesia, they go to cemetery and ask some thing, this behavior not allowed in Islam.
Allah said :
ادعوا ربكم تضرع و خشية.................
we have to ask some thing only to, don’t do that behavior because that is bad behavior, and we not allowed to do that, the name of that behavior is polytheism, in fact polytheism is the most bed behavior in islam.
Allah said in holly qur,an :
وما خلقت الجن والإنس إلا ليعبدون
so, let’s improve our faith to be stronger than now and study religion lesson more than now in other that we not plunged into misery and the most terrible is hell.
I think this is enough, thank for your attention, thank for your listening, if you got same mistakes for give me, please.

و السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
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